In English
On Wednesday 2024-11-13, our charging box facility was moved from Eways to Voltiva. Information has gone to the 15 who are charging today.
Stickers with attached information have been distributed to all 44 charging box owners.
New information for users of our charging box facility valid from 2024-09-12
We will soon change operator from Eways to Voltiva. The terms of charging will remain unchanged.
To make the transition as easy as possible for you users, we inform you of the following:
1) Those of you who have a charging card from Eways will receive two emails from Voltiva. One is called "Suggestion of recharge subscription" and the other "Welcome to Voltiva".
2) Go in and approve your charging right.
3) Download the Voltiva app, charging starts and stops in the app.
4) If you want to connect a tray to the charging right, contact Voltiva's support.
Have you not received a charging right sent to you but you have a charging card connected to our facility? In that case, contact and you will get help getting started. You can also call 020-89 95 79. The same applies if you want to get started and load but have not loaded before.
Debiting will take place from Voltiva for charging here in the association from the time of the move. If you choose to keep the Eways card to top up at other locations, this will continue to be charged from Eways.
2023-11-07: Eways will begin installation of charging systems on 2023-11-20 in the garages. Those concerned are informed in good time before the installation begins. To facilitate the installation, the garage spaces need to be cleaned as follows:
Cleaning means that everything loose must be removed from ceiling to floor including mounted shelves and cupboards, also completely free up to at least 2 m from the back wall. The same cleaning applies to everyone, even for those who did not order a charging box. Private electrical installations must be removed. This also applies if these are installed by previous property owners.
If someone needs help with their cleaning, some neighbors can help. No car may be parked in the garage or so close that the opening of the gate is obstructed. Each car owner is responsible for parking their own vehicle. All gates must be left unlocked (then no keys need be collected). The cleaning of the garage spaces must be completed before the above date.
The electric car group will visit the garages and everyone who has cleaned will get their deposit back in the form of a deduction at the next quarterly payment. During the course of the project, updated information will be posted on the association's website every Friday. This information goes out to resp. property owners in the mailbox, by email and on the website.
Note! If you have just moved in or never receive an email from the community, it is probably because you have not registered your email address or that your email no longer works. Please go to and enter your name, address and email address as well as (optionally) your phone number, and you will receive important information from the association's board in the future.
2023-02-12: The annual meeting for Community Kärleksörten takes place on Thursday, 9 March 2023 at 19 in Folkets Hus, Riddersviksvägen 159, Hässelby.
2023-01-08: Time for all property owners to read the water meter that is located near the water heater before January 22. The read value must then be communicated to the zone manager, who in turn leaves a completed list for the zone to the cashier who lives at Sandviksvägen 244. You can expect the zone manager to knock/call to get the measured value. If not, you can put a note with the read value in the zone manager's mailbox. Who is responsible for the zone can be seen on the website and is the person who, among other things, holds a key to the garden store. On avin that is to be paid at the end of April, the water fee is adjusted according to the metered value read in January. If no value is notified, water consumption will be calculated according to a standard value. If your meter does not seem to be working correctly, please let us know as soon as possible via the website's contact function.
2022-09-03: The autumn cleaning day in our community takes place on Sunday, September 18! See email and shortly notice in the mailbox.
2022-09-02: WATER SHUTOFF THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 8TH BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 09:00 AM TO 11:00 AM. During this time, the water will be turned off due to maintenance work in a property. The water may be turned on before 11.00. Make sure that no faucets are open when you leave the home.
2022-07-10: Painting of the parking spaces will take place over two days namely Monday 18/7 and Tuesday 19/7. Information on where not to park these two days will be available on displayed trestles and also distributed in the mailboxes. Everyone is asked to help by not putting the car on the surfaces marked for painting.
2022-05-01: There is now the opportunity to stream via Sappa Play of our entire basic offer. See detailed instructions under the Document / Sappa tab
2022-03-18: The spring cleaning day in our community 2022 is set to take place on April 24, when all of us residents in the area help to make our area a little more stylish and pleasant.
2022-03-12: Annual meeting of the community Kärleksörten will take place on March 28, 2022 at 7 pm in Folkets hus, Riddersviksvägen 159, Hässelby. Notice of the annual meeting will be physically posted in all residents' mailboxes and will also be available in digital form on our website under the tab Documents.
11/11/2021: If a lamp in a lighting pole has gone out near you, it's time to work with a couple of other people yourself, since no one else is commissioned to do it for us. All zones in the area should replace broken lamps in their zone themselves. We will do it on the cleaning days but lamps tend to break all year round. It is not difficult: Get a storage key from any zone manager or board member and pick up the special steps from the storage room (the one with an angle at the top) and a LED that is in a marked box. Two people hold the steps because it swayes some and one climbs up with a 4 mm Allen key. Loosen the screw on the cuff a few mm, push up and turn left and it will come loose from its bayonet mount. Lower the plastic glass which can sometimes carve some so that you have to bolt a little on the glass. Then the lamp can be reached and replaced. Reverse procedure for reassembly. Good luck.
2021-10-26: There are more and more requests for charging possibilities for electric cars. One problem is that the power to the area must be sufficient to cover the need for heating and household electricity in addition to charging electric cars. We do not yet know, but a stronger connection to Ellevio may be needed to bring more power to society. A general problem is that Stockholm has a shortage of electricity. We have had the electric car charging issue up for discussion in rounds and especially at the 2018 annual meeting. There is currently no plan to set up charging posts. The issue needs to be investigated more, among other things with regard to power requirements and total cost of drawing power lines, setting up charging posts, etc. It is not allowed to use the electricity of society for charging an electric car.
The issue is raised for discussion and possibly. decision at the next annual meeting in March 2022. Reasons for the matter can be sent / submitted to the Board no later than 31/12 -21.
We have had a working group that produced a report on the issue and investigated how another townhouse area did. See information from previous work on the issue on our website under document / Electric car charging Parking garage electric car charging (
2021-09-19: the autumn cleaning dinner, where all residents are to be involved in making our neighbourhood better and more comfortable living in. We have chosen a previous date for painting, for example, by fences, inter alia, at the corner of Loviselundsvägen/Sandvikvägen. Horse hagen. We pick garbage, adjust edges that have been loosened, cut bushes that hang out over passages, bushes that are cloaking sight, for example, at the exits. At 1:00 a.m. is being served at the playground outside kindergarten.
2021-09-05: Round of the area to inventory what needs to be done in the autumn cleaning dinner.
2021-09-02: Survey of all playground playground in the community. The inspection report mm. See below the documentation at the bottom of the first page.
2021-08-24: the damage to the fibre is repaired and the Internet and television is working again for the 12 households affected by the interruption.
23 FEB 2021: Problems with rats. Rats and mice have begun to appear more and more in the area. The most important measure is to ensure that they do not get food. Therefore, never place compost bags on the ground. If the containers are full, try another compost station or throw the compost in the garbage dump. Make sure the lids on the compost containers are closed properly. Never put garbage bags on the ground.
Avoid feeding birds. Birds seed vending machines, seed-flakes and oat grains feed not only the birds but also the rats. Remember, where there is food for rats, they stay and multiply. A rat pair can get 800 to 1000 kids in a year. Contact Anticimex if you experience problems with rats or mice.
12 feb 2021: Warning for theft from cars! Recently, a catalyst has been stolen from a car at Loviselundsvägen. In the past, wheels, rear-view mirrors, petrol and brake sockets have been stolen from cars parked outside the garages in the area. A good way to hinder the thieves is to put the car within the garage instead!
15 jan 2021: Warning from our Internet provider Stockholm City Net on maintenance work in the broadband/Internet connection.
We want to inform about a planned maintenance work on a fibre connection (which we rent from the operator Stokab) which will affect your broadband and internet connection. The maintenance work will be carried out at 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on 28 January. While the work is carried out, you will unfortunately be interrupted in the delivery of internetconnection, broadband television and broadband telephony. If you have any questions or need help, please contact our customer service at 08-5012 20 10, and we are open on weekdays at 8:00 to 10:00, 10:00, 10:00 to 6:00. We ask for forgiveness for any inconvenience that this causes!
Sincerely, Anette Chahin Stockholm City Net.
11 jan 2021: Our television provider Sappa has a disruption affecting SVT1, SVT2 and TV4 since at the end of the day. 8:19. Operating technicians are running. Measured around 12:15.
21 dec 2020: Concerning temporary parking for non-residents of our community Kärleksörten
If vehicles not belonging to a resident are parked within the community area to visit a resident for various reasons, this shall be notified by the relevant resident here on our website by choosing ‘Contact us’ and indicate the vehicle registration number, name, address and telephone number of the household visited or carried out at work. If this is not done, a note will be placed on the vehicle with the request that the said be done. If no information is provided via the website as set out above within 24 hours, parking tickets may be distributed by parking companies on behalf of the board of Kärleksörten, when the parking lot will be considered unauthorised.
September 13: The autumn Cleaning Day in our community, when we all help to make our area a little better and more comfortable.
25 Aug 2020: There are residents parking on areas in the community that are not intended for it, e.g. at the large playground with the flagpole and next to some other smaller playgrounds. Sometimes you drive into the area by car without either loading or disunloading, which according to rules of procedure and signage is not allowed. Anyone who ignores the ban will henceforth be liable to a parking ticket.
Unfortunately, cars also drive far too fast in the area where the maximum speed is 6 km/h i.e. walking speed.
July 2020:During the cleaning day spring 2020, a place for compost containers for food waste was prepared at the garbage dump next to the turntable at Albert Landberg's alley. Stockholm Vatten will soon deliver containers (v.28) and the first pick-up is expected to take place v. 29 (13 -20 July).
To make burglary in garage more difficult, all residents should adjust their garage doors according to the following tips. There are some steps you can do when locking/closing garage doors is not working properly:1. The locking holes in the bottom left and right are twisted inwards of the garage after a long period of use so that the locking pistons do not grasp the locking holes. This can be fixed by turning the locking holes out using a powerful screwdriver. Lubricate the pistons and all moving divides with silicone or vaseline. 2. To make burglary difficult considerably: If the door does not close tightly to the frame but leaves a gap on one side or the other so that break-in tools for burglary can be inserted, this can be remedied. This is done by loosening the two bottom bolts on the frame with an extended 10 mm socket wrench and moving the frame out towards the center closer to the door so that the gap disappears.
May 2020: Garage break-ins have continued to take place in the area. Now it is garages along Sandviksvägen, which on the night of May 8 and the night of 9 May was subjected to burglaries, vandalism and thefts.
Sunday April 26 from 10.00. Spring cleaning day in our cooperative association Kärleksörten. Everyone helps to make it as pleasant as possible to live here. Grilled sausage at 13 with reservation that it will be cancelled depending on Corona circumstances.
End of March 2020: Change of TV box . A more modern version has been evaluated by the board that found it reliable. Sappa, our TV provider, has offered us a new contract with a new TV box and with the same channel offering as today. The Annual General Meeting 2020-03-19 resolved to sign a new TV agreement with a three-year fixed term at a cost of SEK 95 /month and real estate incl. new box. As today, the cost will be part of the community fee. The new boxes will be delivered to Bo Rydberg, Chairman. sandviksvägen 220 at the end of March. The idea is that each zone manager in our community there picks up the number needed and distributes it to the residents in their zone. An email will be sent to zone managers about when this will happen. All handling of the boxes should be done with the utmost consideration that the infection of Corona does not occur e.g. by handing over outdoors as much as possible.
Thursday, March 19, 2020 in Folkets Hus, Riddersviksvägen 159, Hässelby: The Annual General Meeting for the Community Kärleksörten.
15-16 February 2020. Note! Burglary took place on this weekend at Albert Landberg's gränd. The thieves broke in via windows in the back.Warning that they are on the move and we should all be vigilant. Most likely, according to police finds, they were 2-3 persons based on tracks outside.They take jewelry, money and ID documents to do fraud online that the affected family has already noticed. Please read the information on the website at Interesting Web Links about prevention and collaboration against burglary.
Cleaning/Maintenance day during autumn 2019 will take place Sun Oct 20 with participation of all residentials in community Kärleksörten.
2019, week 28-29: The council has ordered cleaning of gutters. The work will be carried out by Ternvalls Plåtslageri. A "man on the roof" and any noise in the upper floor can therefore be remarked. It is, of course, a good idea to brush off moss on your roof in advance if possible. The ordered work only applies to the gutters, which means that no cleaning is done of the roof tiles.
2019-07-09: The previous error with outdoor lighting is fixed. Lights are now lit in garages and in lamp posts at the dark part of the day.
Repainting of parking squares was performed Monday June 24. Thanks a lot for keeping your cars away from the parking lots.
Cleaning/Maintenance day during spring 2019 for all residentials in community Kärleksörten: Took place Sunday April 28.
Annual general meeting: The annual meeting for 2019 took place on Thursday 21 March 2019, at 19.00 in Folkets Hus, Riddersviksvägen 159. Notice from the meeting was sent out two weeks before and is now available also in digital format on our website at "Dokument". Decisions were made at the meeting that affect everyone in the joint association for the next twelve months, inter alia the fee for water has been increased with 100 SEK per quarter and household to 600 SEK. Minutes of the meeting has been put in the mailboxes and can also be retrieved digitally under "Dokument"..
Business description: New document - see the menu on the home page Verksamhetsbeskrivning - so far in Swedish only.
Electric car charging: An investigation is ongoing - see Documents for more information.
Biological waste/food waste: As of Oct 19, 2016, see separate bins for food scraps. The containers that are brown in color are placed next to the wastebins. Bags and bag holders are available in the garden supply store. Key to the storage room can be provided by zone responsible contact person or by member of the board. See Documents for more information.